I was 'bye-bye' to 52 friends on my Blackberry Messenger contact in this morning. There are some jobless people who sent trashy broadcast message almost everyday, every-single-time. DEYMM! I wouldn't told you like these before if their never sent me broadcast messages almost every hours with the dirty-dummy text like asshole as like as their face! And oh, it's not only people who always trashing via broadcast message, it's include some boys who text me almost everytime that I think their started to disturb my "me time". Errrrhh....congrats! MY MIDDLE FINGER LIKES YEWH, BRAINLESS! F!!!!
HELLJEAHH! TUDEY, TOMARRO AND TOMARRO AND TOMARROOOOW I wouldn't try too hard to read my chat on BBM.
W H Y ?
Because the trash is empty right now. Holy chicken! Poookk....pookk...poookk! *chicken dancing*
Dancing 'till the end,