October 31, 2011

Kebaya & Beskap Resepsi Pernikahan

You guys, tebak gue kemana malem minggu kemaren?!
Wisata kuliner?
I wish.
( "-_-)/|jomblo|

Malem minggu kemaren gue nemenin sahabat gue(Opie) dan calon suaminya(mas Ukki) fitting kebaya di kawasan Pulo Mas, untuk acara resepsi pernikahan mereka.
Niatnya gue mau tidur seharian, tapi dipaksa ikut sama perempuan satu itu.
Berhubung gue emang tugasnya ngurusin baju resepsi mereka, mau ga mau gue harus ikut. Errrrr….
(Well, untuk urusan FASHION, si Opie emang percayain ke gue, ahahahahasek!)
So yeah, sesuai dengan pernikahan mereka yang mengusung adat Sunda dan Bugis, serta tema warna red and gold untuk acara resepsi, maka setelan inilah yang menurut gue cocok buat mereka :

Mas Ukki dan Opie. :)
Why I advised this one to them?
Warna dominan red and gold is my first reason.
Kedua, seriously I thought that kebaya ini bakal bikin auranya Opie jadi  stronger dan suites for groom-nya bisa menyeimbangi itu.
It should looks matching, gorgeous….and fit.
Ketiga, gue berani jamin—asalkan dekorasinya nanti juga keren dan gak norak—kesan mewah dan memukau akan kental terpancar begitu mereka bersanding di pelaminan.
At least, ini jauh dari ‘stempel’ yang melekat di generasi muda bahwa pesta resepsi sekeren apapun bakal tetep ‘going down’, kampungan dan norak kalau pakai busana/upacara adat.
Apalagi pilihan warna red and gold yang kalau salah sedikit aja bisa jadi BIG MISTAKES.
How lucky they are….menurut gue, mereka malah terlihat berkelas.
Howaah, jadi pengen buru-buru acara resepsi!!!! X))
Tunggu yaa update foto mereka jadi raja dan ratu sehari dengan kebaya dan suites for groom pilihan gue ini di acara resepsi pernikahannya nanti. B-)
Kebetulan gue diminta keluarganya Opie untuk jadi pagar betis alias penerima tamu di acara resepsi pernikahannya nanti. -_-
Hhhh, gue udah gerah aja ngebayangin harus pake kebaya, kain batik, make-up tebel, dan sanggul nemplok di kepala. *die*
Lol, so dear….see you on Dec 27th, 2011 at Kartika Chandra Hotel!


October 28, 2011

Sumpah Pemuda

"Kami putra dan putri Indonesia, mengaku bertumpah darah yang satu,
Tanah air Indonesia.
Kami putra dan putri Indonesia, mengaku berbangsa yang satu,
Bangsa Indonesia.
Kami putra dan putri Indonesia, menjunjung tinggi bahasa persatuan,
Bahasa Indonesia."
-Indonesia, 28 Oktober 1928

October 21, 2011

Happy Birthday, Congky!

Yesterday I met Opie to fixed our plan about Congky birthday. Finally, we came to his office and surprised him. Opie and I've finished a Birthday song with a Chocoberry Cake on my hands, when Congky realized that it wasn't a nightmare. HAHAHAHAHAHAfuckhim! ._.
But anyway, happy bornday to Mochammad Irwansyah! Wish you.....enggg....mmh, just eeemmmm....yeah you already knew it....*some text missing*
Left : me, congky, opie.
Opie and I always love you. No doubt. Just hope you don't die before you eat your cake and go find a GIRLfriend! Bahahahahak. Okay sorry. Love ya, bitch!

P.S. : These cake was so yummy. Seriously. :|


October 17, 2011

Why, dear?

"Why you waste your time just to stalking me and talking shit at my back? You should award yourself for being stupid. Get a life, dear." -Febie Arimbhie

October 10, 2011

M for Magnum Ice Cream

“I scream! You scream! We all scream for ICE CREAM!”
Who doesn’t love ice cream? Woohoo! It was kind of nice to see that no one doesn’t love ice cream. It makes me know that you guys are my kiddos. ....Uh? I mean, I love ice cream. You love ice cream. Why you no love me? We love ice cream! Yeah!

October 5, 2011

Trash is Empty

I was 'bye-bye' to 52 friends on my Blackberry Messenger contact in this morning. There are some jobless people who sent trashy broadcast message almost everyday, every-single-time. DEYMM! I wouldn't told you like these before if their never sent me broadcast messages almost every hours with the dirty-dummy text like asshole as like as their face! And oh, it's not only people who always trashing via broadcast message, it's include some boys who text me almost everytime that I think their started to disturb my "me time". Errrrhh....congrats! MY MIDDLE FINGER LIKES YEWH, BRAINLESS! F!!!!

HELLJEAHH! TUDEY, TOMARRO AND TOMARRO AND TOMARROOOOW I wouldn't try too hard to read my chat on BBM.
W  H  Y  ?
Because the trash is empty right now. Holy chicken! Poookk....pookk...poookk! *chicken dancing*

Dancing 'till the end,

October 2, 2011

M a t i

"Kau bisa dikatakan mati ketika kau tertawa atau menangis tanpa rasa, seperti aku."
-Febie Arimbhie

October 1, 2011

Mangosteen Tees

I bought some tees in size S, M, L from Mangosteen in SOGO Central Park. There are cute tees with the same design. Size S for my Sartika Dewi, size M for me, and size L for my Hanggie Zahara. Well, we shouldn't wait until someone birthday just to give them a gift, right? That's what I did for my best friend.
Left : tikuy , me , anggie

We took pictures in Anggie's bedroom. Well, I already know, it's looks like clownish girls and sounds tacky, but I do never care, HAHAHAA. I love it, I enjoy it, and I love our tees. So what?!
